Some older articles on this weblog that are of current interest:
In Dutch: Volg de actuele ontwikkelingen rond de Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten via het Dossier herziening Wiv 2017


Below is an index of all articles on this weblog, grouped by their main subject(s) and with newest articles on top:

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)

National Security Agency (NSA)

NSA collection systems
- The equipment aboard an EP-3E electronic surveillance plane
- FAIRVIEW: Collecting foreign intelligence inside the US
- INCENSER, or how NSA and GCHQ are tapping internet cables
- Some numbers about NSA's data collection
- NSA's largest cable tapping program: DANCINGOASIS
- Slides about NSA's Upstream collection
- NSA's global interception network
- DRTBOX and the DRT surveillance systems
- New slides about NSA collection programs
Section 215 domestic phone records
- About the legality and constitutionality of the Section 215 metadata program
- Collection of domestic phone records under the USA FREEDOM Act
- How NSA contact chaining combines domestic and foreign phone records
- Section 215 bulk telephone records and the MAINWAY database
- Dutch government tried to hide the truth about metadata collection
- BOUNDLESSINFORMANT: metadata collection by Dutch MIVD instead of NSA
- Screenshots from BOUNDLESSINFORMANT can be misleading
- BOUNDLESSINFORMANT only shows metadata
The PRISM program
- Section 702 FAA expires: what are the problems with PRISM and Upstream?
- What is known about NSA's PRISM program
- PRISM as part of the BLARNEY program
- NSA says there are three different PRISMs
- New insights into the PRISM program
- Is PRISM just a not-so-secret web tool?
- Are the NSA's PRISM slides photoshopped?
International cooperation
- What the NSA provides to its foreign partners, and vice versa
- A unique note from the BND about European SIGINT alliances
- Maximator and other European SIGINT alliances
- From 9-Eyes to 14-Eyes: the Afghanistan SIGINT Coalition (AFSC)
- A document about the UKUSA partnership with unknown classification compartments
- Data sharing systems used within the Five Eyes partnership
- New details about the joint NSA-BND operation Eikonal
- Some equipment that connects NSA with its foreign partners
- The German operation Eikonal as part of NSA's RAMPART-A program
- NSA's foreign partnerships
- 14-Eyes are 3rd Party partners forming the SIGINT Seniors Europe
- Five Eyes, 9-Eyes and many more
- What are SIGADs starting with DS for?
- NSA also has arrangements with foreign internet providers

Non-Snowden leaks
- New details about the Pentagon Leak
- Everything you want to know about the Pentagon/Discord Leak
- Jareh Dalke arrested for offering NSA documents to the Russians
- Daniel Hale arrested for being the source of The Drone Papers
- Are the Shadow Brokers identical with the Second Source?
- With NSA contractor Martin arrested, other leakers may still be at large
- Is the Shadow Brokers leak the latest in a series?
- Leaked documents that were not attributed to Snowden
- Wikileaks published some of the most secret NSA reports so far

- On the 10th anniversary of the Snowden revelations
- Edward Snowden and the targeted drone killing campaign
- NSA documents and cover names from the book Dark Mirror
- Edward Snowden and the STELLARWIND report
- Review of Snowden's book Permanent Record - Part II: At the NSA
- Review of Snowden's book Permanent Record - Part I: At the CIA
- The Snowden files: where are they and where should they end up?
- Snowden would not have been able to legally "wiretap anyone"
- Snowden-documents show no evidence for global mass surveillance

Other NSA topics
- Interesting topics from the NSA's 2009 Presidential Transition Book
- The NSA's new organizational designators
- Some new snippets from the Snowden documents
- The National Security Operations Center (NSOC): 50 years in photos
- About the legality of the NSA's testing and SIGINT Development projects
- The serial numbers of NSA reports
- The NSA's regional Cryptologic Centers
- E-mails from inside the NSA bureaucracy
- Something about the use of selectors: correlations and equations
- How NSA targeted the Venezuelan oil company PdVSA
- NSA's Legal Authorities
- NSA and GCHQ stealing SIM card keys: a few things you should know
- NSA's Strategic Mission List
- Document shows that it was not NSA, but FBI that monitored 5 Americans
- The National Security Agency in 2002
- Video demonstration of two intelligence analysis tools
- New interpretations of NSA monitoring the German chancellor
- NSA's organizational designations
- How NSA targeted chancellor Merkel's mobile phone
- An NSA eavesdropping case study (Mexico & Brazil)
- Pictures at the NSA's 60th anniversary

- NSA Nicknames and Codewords
- NSA's TAO Division Codewords
- NSA's organizational designators
- NSA Glossary
- SIGINT Activity Designators (SIGADs)

United Kingdom (GCHQ)

- INCENSER, or how NSA and GCHQ are tapping internet cables
- Torus: the antenna to significantly increase satellite interception
- NSA and GCHQ stealing SIM card keys: a few things you should know
- How GCHQ prepares for interception of phone calls from satellite links
- GCHQ Codewords and Abbrevations

Canada (CSE)

- OLYMPIA: How Canada's CSEC maps phone and internet connections
- Did CSEC really track Canadian airport travellers?
- CSE Codewords and Abbreviations

New Zealand (GCSB)

- Torus: the antenna to significantly increase satellite interception
- New Zealand and XKEYSCORE: not much evidence for mass surveillance

Germany (BND)

- A unique note from the BND about European SIGINT alliances
- Bulk interception by Germany's BND and what the Constitutional Court said about it
- Wikileaks publishes classified documents from inside German NSA inquiry commission
- Secret report reveals: German BND also uses XKEYSCORE for data collection
- German journalists about working with the Snowden documents
- Something about the use of selectors: correlations and equations
- Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal
- New details about the selectors NSA provided to BND
- New details about the joint NSA-BND operation Eikonal
- German BND didn't care much about foreign NSA selectors
- German investigation of the cooperation between NSA and BND (III)
- German investigation of the cooperation between NSA and BND (II)
- Update on tapping German chancellor Merkel's phone
- German investigation of the cooperation between NSA and BND (I)
- The German operation Eikonal as part of NSA's RAMPART-A program
- Pictures from inside the German intelligence agency BND
- New interpretations of NSA monitoring the German chancellor
- How NSA targeted chancellor Merkel's mobile phone
- How secure is the Merkel-Phone?
- BND Codewords and Abbreviations


- Leaked report reveals security risks at the Austrian security service BVT
- Unnoticed leak answers and raises questions about operation Eikonal

France (DGSE)

- A look at the latest French laws on intelligence collection
- Wikileaks published some of the most secret NSA reports so far

The Netherlands (AIVD & MIVD)

- Eerste Kamer bereikt iets meer duidelijkheid over de Tijdelijke wet cyberoperaties [NL]
- Laatste kans voor duidelijkheid over de Tijdelijke wet cyberoperaties [NL]
- The GRU close access operation against the OPCW in perspective
- Dutch report provides metadata numbers to compare with Snowden documents
- Dutch-Russian cyber crime case reveals how the police taps the internet
- A perspective on the new Dutch intelligence law
- Something about the use of selectors: correlations and equations
- New details about the joint NSA-BND operation Eikonal
- NSA and GCHQ stealing SIM card keys: a few things you should know
- Dutch government tried to hide the truth about metadata collection
- BOUNDLESSINFORMANT: metadata collection by Dutch MIVD instead of NSA
- Dutch queen Beatrix' phone

Denmark (FE)

- Head of Danish military intelligence arrested but independent inquiry finds no wrongdoing
- The NSA tried to spy on Danish and other European targets via cable tapping in Denmark
- Danish military intelligence uses XKEYSCORE to tap cables in cooperation with NSA
- Head of Danish military intelligence suspended after misleading the oversight board

Switzerland (SND & NDB)

- The report of a Swiss investigation into the case of Crypto AG


- Safe and Free: comparing national legislation on electronic surveillance
- What if Google was an intelligence agency?
- Video demonstration of two intelligence analysis tools

Communications Security (COMSEC)

Secure phones of heads of state

- The phones of the Dutch Prime Minister
- Some SIGINT and COMSEC during the Nuclear Security Summit
- How secure is the Merkel-Phone?
- How Obama's BlackBerry got secured
- President Reagan using a STU-II telephone
- Obama using a secure GSM phone

Secure mobile phones

- General Dynamics secures commercial smartphones
- Highly secure mobile phones
- Swiss video on mobile phone security


- Treaties on the exchange and protection of classified information
- About Intellipedia and other intelligence wikis from the Snowden trove
- A mysterious Tektron secure telephone
- US military and intelligence computer networks


- The highly classified documents found at Trump's residence Mar-a-Lago
- A document about the UKUSA partnership with unknown classification compartments
- Do NSA compliance reports point to an unknown classification compartment?
- About STELLARWIND and other mysterious classification markings
- NSA still uses the UMBRA compartment for highly sensitive intercepts
- The British classification marking STRAP
- Five Eyes, 9-Eyes and many more
- The US classification system

Top Level Telecommunications


- From the Hotline to the first video call between presidents Biden and Putin
- US government uses Swiss diplomatic network to communicate with Iran
- The hotlines between North and South Korea
- The hotline between Washington and the former German capital Bonn
- Obama used a cybersecurity link for the first time to warn Russia
- The red phone that was NOT on the Hotline
- The 50th anniversary of the Washington-Moscow Hotline
- Bilateral hotlines worldwide
- The Washington-Moscow Hotline

Phones of the President of the United States

- The telephone contacts of president George W. Bush
- The phones in president Biden's Oval Office
- The communications equipment in Trump's Situation Room photo
- A new secure phone for outside the White House
- Trump's telephones in the Treaty Room
- Trump's communications equipment outside the White House
- Mysterious devices in Trump's pop-up situation room
- Trump's "beautiful" Oval Office phones and what was changed on them
- The presidential communications equipment under Barack Obama
- 9/11 inside the White House emergency bunker
- New IP phones in the White House
- New phones aboard Air Force One
- Some SIGINT and COMSEC during the Nuclear Security Summit
- How Obama's BlackBerry got secured
- President Reagan using a STU-II telephone
- Obama using a secure GSM phone
- Obama on vacation
- Does Obama really lack cool phones?

Phones of other heads of state and government

- The phones of the new NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte
- A new secure red telephone for German chancellor Scholz
- The phones of Ukrainian president Zelensky
- The phones of the Dutch Prime Minister
- Another "red phone" for the Israeli prime minister
- How secure is the Merkel-Phone?
- The phones and the iMac of Kim-Jong un
- Papal telephony
- Dutch queen Beatrix' phone
- The Israeli prime minister's red phone

US government and military phones

- The communications systems at the US Central Command headquarters
- The phones of former FBI director Robert Mueller
- The phones of US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper
- A mysterious Tektron secure telephone
- NSA director Alexander's phones
- US State Department red phones
- A White House staff phone
- Commander Petraeus' phones
- Inside the White House Situation Room

Other postings

- The 5-year anniversary of this weblog
- Telephony abbreviations
- Internet abbreviations
- Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Links

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I have an political online webmagazine called POLITICALAVENUE.COM™
There I have some material I think you will be much interested in. One NSA security handbook for new employees at NSA. And even some pictures from homeland security and such which shows their secret phones. Since i find some of your posts and material well done, could you consider writing one or two articles for publish on POLITICALAVENUE.COM on the subject of yours. It's a free webmagazine so I can't pay you anything until I get proper advertisers, perhaps next year. But I have 11.000 readers per month, if you would like to write an article or two as an expert of your subject?

Write me at

From Sweden with Sunshine!
Gustav Norstrom
Chief Editor.