(Updated: February 18, 2025)
A SIGINT Activity Designator (or SIGAD) is a alphanumeric designator which identifies a facility that is used for collecting Signals Intelligence (SIGINT). These facilities have many different forms, ranging from satellite intercept stations, spy ships and satellites, to sites where internet cables are tapped.
Closely related to the SIGADs are the Producer Designator Digraphs (PDDGs), a list of which you can find here.

Screenshot of the BOUNDLESSINFORMANT tool showing how many
data are collected worldwide through 504 SIGADs
SIGADs are used for intercept facilities operated by the signals intelligence agencies of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, as these five countries have a close relationship for collecting and sharing signals intelligence under the so-called UKUSA-agreement.
Since World War II several thousand SIGADs have been assigned. By 1955, the US had for example more than 2000 listening posts around the world.*
A screenshot of the NSA's BOUNDLESSINFORMANT tool showed that in March 2013 there were 504 active SIGADs, which means that in that month NSA collected data from 504 intercept facilities. This number probably includes many subsets and maybe a several dozen are really significant sources.
A typical SIGAD looks like USN-855
The first two letters indicate the country and can be US for the United States, UK for the United Kingdom, CA for Canada, AU for Australia and NZ for New Zealand.
Then comes one letter indicating what sort of staff runs the station, which can be M for Army, N for Navy, A for Air Force, J for Joint services (mainly military), F for Joint services (mainly civilian), D for Detachment or C for Civilian staff.
After a hyphen follows a unique number which identifies the particular facility.
An additional alphabetic character is added to denote a sub-designator for a subset of the primary collection unit, like a detachment. Lastly, a numeric character can be added to provide for a sub-sub-designator. When a particular SIGAD has one or more sub-designators these are indicated by an asterisk (*).
An example of a SIGAD with a sub-sub-designator is US-987LA
Below is a list of all known SIGADs from past and present and from all five UKUSA-countries. Sorting the unique numbers in groups of hundreds, revealed that they are apparently assigned according to this scheme:
1 - 89: US Army, Navy, Air Force
90 - 100: Canada
101 - 200: United Kingdom
201 - 300: United Kingdom
301 - 400: Australia and New Zealand
401 - 499: US Navy
500 - 599: US Air Force
600 - 699: US Army
700 - 799: US Joint services
800 - 899: Various US services
900 - 999: NSA
1000 - 1999: NSA
2000 - 2999: ?
3100 - 3199: NSA
3200 - 3299: NSA
3300 - 3399: NSA
3400 - 3499: NSA
Presently, only a few SIGADs from the 1000-range and none from the 2000-range are known. Maybe these are used for new intercept facilities of US military services and for SIGINT units deployed in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, like the large number from the 600-range used for intercept sites during the Vietnam war.
When a facility was shut down, the agencies were free to reuse the SIGAD again. Since 2005, the NSA's master list of SIGADs (and PDDGs) was maintained in the GOLDPOINT 2 database.
Some SIGADs seem to be highly classified and may not be mentioned in documents accessible to all Five Eyes-partners.
Some documents leaked by Edward Snowden show that there are also communications collected by facilities under a designation starting with DS, but for reasons yet unknown these doesn't fit the regular SIGAD-scheme:
DS-200: "NSA's reporting of GCHQ's Special Source collection"
DS-200A: ?
DS-200X: ?
DS-202A: ?
DS-204A: ?
DS-410: ?
DS-600: CSE reporting?
DS-800: ?
> See also: What are SIGADs starting with DS for?
A declassified NSA training program storyboard from 2011 says that domestic internet (PR/TT) and telephony (BR) metadata collected under FISA authority have SIGADs that begin with a specific character, which is stil classified. This could explain why some SIGADs are blacked out, even in some of the Snowden-documents.

Slide showing the number of ownerless e-mail address books blocked,
by points of access, designated by SIGADs from all five
UKUSA countries (listed at the right side)
United States
US Army facilities
Intercept facilities operated by the United States Army are designated by SIGADs beginning with USM:
USM-1: Vint Hill Farms Station (1942-1997)
USM-2: ASA post at Two Rock Ranch in Petaluma, California (1942-1971)
USM-2: Field Station Kunia, Hawaii (1980-?)
USM-5: Former SIGINT site at Helemano, Hawaii (closed in 1958)
USM-5: Facility at the Teufelsberg in West-Berlin (1975-1992)
USM-6: Facility in Herzogenaurach, Germany (1947-1960)
USM-7: Former SIGINT site at Fairbanks, Alaska (closed in 1953)
USM-7: 7th RRFS, Ramasun Station, Udon Thani Province, Thailand
USM-8: Facility in Scheyem, Germany (1951-1957)
USM-9: 9th RRFS, Philippines
USM-9K: Tan Son Nhut AFB
USM-35: 60th Signal Service Company
USM-42: Facility in Bamberg, Germany (1956-1957)
USM-42K: Facility in Bamberg, Germany (1954-1966)
USM-43K: Det. K of the 17th (...) at Wobeck, Germany (1966-1970)
USM-43K1: Facility in Altefeld, Germany (1956-1957)
USM-43K1: Facility in Bad Aibling, Germany (1957)
USM-44: European Security Operations Center in Augsburg, Germany (1972-1993), later: European Cryptologic Center (ECC) near Darmstadt
USM-44F: Sub-facility in Bad Aibling, Germany
USM-44K: Sub-facility in Wobeck, Germany (1970-1975)
USM-45: Facility in Baumholder, Germany (1952-1960)
USM-48: Hakata, Kyushu, Japan, 14th ASA Field Station, USASA 26th Security Service Co (1948-1972)
USM-49: Ankara, Turkey
USM-76: Galeta Island Panama (co-located with USN-18 and with a detachment on Beacon Hill)
USM-82: 507th USASA in Baumholder, Germany (1964-1967)
USM-85: Facility in Bad Aibling, Germany (1956-1963)
USM-87: Facility in Bad Aibling, Germany (1956-1972)
USM-88X: Facility in Waldsassen, Germany (1956)
USM-89: 18th USASA in Bad Aibling, Germany (1956-1972)
USM-600: Facility in Augsburg, Germany (1968)
USM-601: Facility in Augsburg, Germany (1968)
USM-602: Facility in Augsburg, Germany (1957-1968)
USM-604: 330th RRC, Pleiku, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-605: Facility in Bad Aibling, Germany (1957)
USM-605: Camp Eagle, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-607: Can Tho, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-609: Facility in Augsburg, Germany (1970-1976)
USM-613: 313th ASA BN, Nha Tranh, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-614: 303rd ASA BN, Bien Hoa, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-616: Xuan Loc, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-616: Direct Support Unit (DSU) in Augsburg, Germany
USM-620: 54th USASA in West-Berlin (1951-1974)
USM-620K: Facility in Bahrdorf, Germany (1957-1965?)
USM-620K: UHF COMINT site on Teufelsberg, Field Station Berlin (1963-199?)
USM-620L(?): Manual Morse (COMINT), in the Grunewald about 2-3 miles from Teufelsberg
USM-620?: ELINT collection in Rudow, located right on the border with East Berlin
USM-620Y: SIGINT R&D at Berlin's Tempelhof Airport (1957-1965); reopened at new 'Jumbalaya' tower on Teufelsberg in 1966
USM-624: Long Thanh, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-625: Former SIGINT site at Helemano, Hawaii (closed in 1967)
USM-626: 3rd RRU, 82nd SOU, Bien Hoa, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-626: Intercept site in Ansbach, Germany
USM-626*: Sub-facilities in Ansbach, Germany
USM-626J: Phu Bai, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-628: Bien Roa, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-628: Direct Support Unit (DSU) in Augsburg, Germany (1975-1976)
USM-631: Phouc Vinh, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-633: 372nd Radio Research Company at Cu Chi, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-633J: A detachment of the 372d Radio Research Company
USM-634: Pleiku, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-636: Di An, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-636: Former SIGINT site at Helemano, Hawaii (closed in 1976)
USM-638: Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-644: Facility in Augsburg, Germany (1975-1976)
USM-645: Quang Tri, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-649: Chu Lai, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-653: Nha Trang, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-662: Direct Support Unit (DSU) in Augsburg, Germany (1970-1976)
USM-662*: Sub-facilities in Augsburg, Germany
USM-684: 408th ASA Bde Spt Det, Bldg 220, Ft Clayton Canal Zone (1971-1976, after closure of USASASC at Chiva Chiva)
USM-704: 509th ASA Group, Saigon, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-794: Saigon, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-808: 8th RRU, 8th RRFS, Phu Bai, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USM-818: ?
US Navy facilities
Intercept facilities operated by the United States Navy are designated by SIGADs beginning with USN:
USN-11: Finnegayan, Guam
USN-12: Sidi Yahia, near Rabat, Morocco (cosed in October 1978)
USN-12: formerly NSGA Key West, Florida (Morrocco)
USN-13: Former SIGINT site at Adak, Alaska (closed in 1996)
USN-14: Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii
USN-15: (location unknown, existed in 1949)* Imperial Beach, California (as of 1952)*
USN-16: DF station at Bainbridge Island (Port Blakely), Washington (as of 1952)*
USN-16: Naval Facility (NAVFAC) Nicosia, at Yerolakkos, Cyprus (former USF-61, redesignated in June 1957)*
USN-17: (location unknown, existed in 1949)* Recifee, Brazil (CU-33, as of 1952)*
USN-18: US Naval Communications Station Charleston, South Carolina (as of 1955)*
USN-18: ELINT site somewhere in the Mediterranean area (1950s) *
USN-18: Galeta Island Panama (since 1976, co-located with USM-76)
USN-18: Maritime Cryptologic Center at Fort Gordon, Georgia (NSAG)
USN-19: Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico
USN-20: Winter Harbor, Maine
USN-21: Taipei, Taiwan
USN-22: Facility in Augsburg, Germany (1973-1994)
USN-24: formerly Rota, Spain
USN-25: Futenma, Okinawa
USN-26: Skaggs Island, California
USN-18: Maritime Cryptologic Center at Medina, Texas (NSAT)
USN-27: Naval Communication Station at San Miguel, Philippines
USN-27J: Phu Bai, South Vietnam, later USN-842
USN-27: former Barbers Pt Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (After Philippines)
USN-27J: Air crew Det former Barbers Pt Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (after Vietnam)
USN-39: NSGA, Misawa, Japan
USN-39P: Sub-facility of Misawa?
USN-40: Bremerhaven, West Germany
USN-40: Tsingtao, China (1946-1949)*
USN-414: 1st Radio Batallion, Danang, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USN-414T: Pleiku, Phu Bai, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USN-414: Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii (after Vietnam)
USN-417: formerly Imperial Beach, California
USN-419: Formerly NSGA, Clark AFB, Philippines
USN-466(A-Z): Assigned to surface and subsurface fleet Naval Direct Support Units (DSU) when temporary cryptologic element were onboard
USN-467(A-Z): Assigned to surface and subsurface fleet Naval Direct Support Units (DSU) when temporary cryptologic element were onboard
USN-467N: USS Maddox patrol involved with the Gulf of Tonkin incident (1964)
USN-467Y: USS Pueblo, captured by North Korea in 1968
USN-484: USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71)
USN-835: formerly Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
USN-837: formerly NSGA Northwest, Virginia
USN-838: formerly NSGA Homestead, Florida
USN-842: Phu Bai, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USN-842: formerly NSGA Kami Seya Japan
USN-843: Danang, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USN-844: formerly Sugar Grove, West-Virginia
USN-848: Diego Garcia
USN-855: USS Liberty (1964-1968)
US Air Force facilities
Intercept facilities operated by the United States Air Force are designated by SIGADs beginning with USA:
USA-29: 7th RRFS, Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base, Udorn, Thailand
USA-30: Wakkanai, Japan (turned to the Japanese in 1975)
USA-31: Listening post at Osan, Korea
USA-32: 2nd detachment, 6925 Security Wing, Da Nang, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USA-32: Field Station Kunia, Hawaii (1980-?)
USA-34: 3rd radio Squadron Mobile at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska
USA-36: Iraklion Air Station, Crete, Greece (closed in 1993)
USA-38: 6920th Electronic Security Group at Misawa AFB, Japan
USA-50: 6950th Security Group at Chicksands, England
USA-52L: Facility in Zweibrucken, Germany (1954-1959)
USA-53: 6913th Radio Squadron in Bremerhaven, West Germany (1951-1968)
USA-53: Facility in Augsburg, Germany (1976-1991)
USA-57: 6922nd Security Wing, 6925 Security Squadron, Clark AFB, Philippines
USA-58: 6918th Security Squadron, Hakata Administrative Annex, Japan
USA-67: Facility in Augsburg, Germany (1976-1991)
USA-70: 6912 Security Squadron at Tempelhof Airport, West-Berlin (1954-1967)
USA-70K: 6912 Security Squadron at Berlin Tempelhof (until 1967)
USA-70K: 6912 Security Squadron at Berlin Teufelsberg (1970-1976)
USA-70L: 6912 Security Squadron in Wobeck, Germany (1970-1976)
USA-73: Former VHF intercept site in Hof, West Germany
USA-514: Former site in Germany (1957-1958)
USA-516: Former SIGINT site at Eielson AFB, Alaska (closed in 1973)
USA-522J: Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USA-523: Nakhon Phanom (NKP) Royal Thai AFB, Thailand (1972-1975)
USA-561: Tan Son Nhuh, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USA-562: Phu Cat, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USA-563: Danan, South Vietnam (1969-1975)
USA-564: formerly Howard AFB, Panama
(these US Air Force SIGADs should not be confused with the designations for US military satellites, which have the same format and are listed here)
US joint facilities
Intercept facilities operated by joint US military services are designated by SIGADs beginning with USJ (mainly military staff) and USF (mainly civilian staff):
USF-61: Probably a CIA listening station in Nicosia, Cyprus that was taken over by NSA in 1956, redesignated to USN-16 in June 1957
USF-63: NSA listening station at Rosman, North Carolina (1981-1995)
USJ-599: NSA/CSS facility at Pine Gap, Australia (RAINFALL)
USJ-750*: NSA/CSS Cryptologic Center Hawaii (NSAH)
USJ-751: NSA/CSS Cryptologic Center Colorado (NSAC)
USJ-753*: European Cryptologic Center (Germany)
USJ-755: Utah Regional Operations Center
USJ-759: Menwith Hill Station (MHS) - LATTICE
USJ-759A: Menwith Hill Station (MHS) - STARQUAKE
USF-778: NSA listening station in Bad Aibling, Germany (1967-2004)
USJ-783*: NSA Texas
USF-787: Yakima Research Station (YRS) (since 1974)
USF-799: Misawa Air Force Base, Japan
USJ-799: Non-corporate interception facility
USJ-800*: NSA Georgia
Other US facilities
Some other SIGADs begin with USD, where D stands for detachment, like for example NSA representatives and their offices at sites of foreign partner agencies:
USD-110: NSA listening station at Yakima, Washington, US
USD-1000: NSA representative at Menwith Hill Station, UK
USD-1001: ?
USD-1001TEC: Technical Exploitation Center at Misawa AFB(?)
USD-1005: Combined Group Germany (CGG) office in Munich, Germany
USD-1005A: CGGA in Augsburg, Germany
USD-1020: NSA representative Europe in Stuttgart Vaihingen, Germany
USD-1021: NSA representative in Frankfurt/Main, Germany (since 1975)
USD-1023: NSA/CSS Augsburg, Germany
USD-1024: NSA representative in Berlin, Germany (since 1975)
USD-1025: Special US Liaison Officer (SUSLO) at GCHQ in Cheltenham, UK
USD-1031: GCUG at Rheindahlen, Germany
USD-1079: Special US Liaison Activity Germany (SUSLAG) in Bad Aibling
- Many more (former) US military SIGADs can be found in this list
NSA facilities
Intercept facilities operated by the NSA are designated by SIGADs beginning with US without an additional letter:
US-903: Satellite RF collection systems via Pine Gap, Australia (RAINFALL)
US-903D: Satellite Mission 7605 collection via Pine Gap
US-903E: Satellite Mission 7606 collection via Pine Gap
US-903F: Satellite Mission 7607 collection via Pine Gap
US-903G: (collection from Argentinia?) *
US-903H: Satellite Mission 8301 collection via Pine Gap
US-903J: Satellite Mission 8303 collection via Pine Gap
US-916A: Collection of telephone metadata by a Polish agency
US-940C: (collection from Argentinia?) *
US-96*: Sites of the NSA/CIA Special Collection Service (SCS)
US-962A5: SCS collection of telephone metadata from Afghanistan
US-966A: SCS collection site
US-966G: SCS collection site (related to 2004 Athens Olympics)
US-966L: SCS collection site
US-966Q: SCS collection site in or close to Venezuela
US-966V: SCS collection site(s)
US-967J: SCS Kuwait City
US-968U: SCS collection site in Beijing
US-968Z: SCS collection site
US-969X169A: Temporary SCS site in Hyderabad, India for Presidential visit to India, 27 Feb-06 Mar 2006
US-969X183: SCS survey site (related to 2004 Athens Olympics)
US-969X202: SCS survey site (related to 2004 Athens Olympics)
US-97*: Sites of the NSA/CIA Special Collection Service (SCS)
US-972U: SCS collection site
US-982: TRANQUIL (phone and internet cable intercept facility, until 2010)
US-983: STORMBREW under Transit Authority (a corporate partner for transit switch access with 27 opc/dpc pairs)
US-984: BLARNEY under FISA authority
US-984E: NSA voice and VoIP collection under FISA authority
US-984J: FBI data under FISA authority
US-984J2: FBI voice and VoIP collection under FISA authority (inactive in 2012)
US-984MR: PR/TT XNET internet metadata collection (inactive in 2012)
US-984T: FAIRVIEW e-mail and IP collection under FISA authority (COWBOY)
US-984X*: BLARNEY facilities under FAA authority:
US-984XA-H: STORMBREW facilities under FAA authority
US-984XN: PRISM program collection under FAA authority
US-984XR: FAIRVIEW collection under FAA authority
US-984X2: FAIRVIEW SMS, DNR and VoIP collection under FAA authority
US-985D: Collection of telephone metadata by a French agency
US-985HA: 3rd party collection from ?
US-985Y: Collection of telephone metadata by the Dutch agency MIVD
US-987: 3rd party collection sites?
US-987A3005: Collection of mobile phone metadata by an Italian agency
US-987F: Collection of mobile phone metadata by a Norwegian agency
US-987L*: West-German 3rd Party collection sites:
US-987L1*: (former?) German collection site
US-987L2*: (former?) German collection site
US-987L3*: (former?) German collection site
US-987L4*: (former?) German collection site
US-987L5: (former?) German collection site
US-987LA: Foreign collection by German BND in Bad Aibling, Germany
US-987LB: Foreign collection by German BND in Afghanistan
US-987S: Collection of mobile phone metadata by a Spanish agency
US-990: FAIRVIEW DNR, VoIP and DNI collection under Transit Authority (corporate partner for transit switch access with 860 opc/dpc pairs)
US-3101C: ?
US-3101M: ?
US-3105: ?
US-3105S1: DARKTHUNDER (SSO corporate/TAO shaping program)
US-3105S1: STEELFLAUTA (SSO corporate/TAO shaping program)
US-3105S8: TAO shaping of Libanese Hizbollah traffic to STORMBREW
US-3111C: ?
US-3127: AZUREPHOENIX (phone (671 opc/dpc pairs) and internet cable intercept)
US-3136**: Close Access collection under the GENIE program within the US:
> Scroll here >
US-3136BE: Against the Brazilian embassy using LIFESAVER techniquesUS-3136BT: Against the Japanese UN mission using MAGNETIC techniques
US-3136BY: Against the Georgian embassy using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136CD: Against the Greek embassy using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136CU: Against the Indian embassy annex using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136CQ: Against the Indian embassy using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136DJ: Against the EU mission at the UN using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136DS: Against the Indian embassy annex using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136GV: Against the Vietnamese embassy using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136HB: Against the Greek UN mission using LIFESAVER techniques
US-3136HF: Against the Japanese UN mission using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136HN: Against the Brazilian UN mission using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136IO: Against the EU embassy using MINERALIZE techniques
US-3136IP: Against the Japanese UN mission using MINERALIZE techniques
US-3136IS: Against the Indian UN mission using LIFESAVER techniques
US-3136JN: Against the Greek embassy using PBX techniques
US-3136KD: Against the EU embassy using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136LJ: Against the Brazilian UN mission using LIFESAVER techniques
US-3136LM: Against the Mexican UN mission through LIFESAVER techniques
US-3136LO: Against the French embassy through the PBX
US-3136MO: Against the Indian UN mission using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136MV: Against the Italian embassy using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136NK: Against the Georgian embassy using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136NO: Against the Vietnamese UN mission using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136OF: Against the French UN mission using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136ON: Against the Indian UN mission using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136OU: Against the Vietnamese UN mission using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136OX: Against the Indian embassy using LIFESAVER techniques
US-3136PD: Against unknown targets in New York using COOP techniques
US-3136PJ: Against the Greek embassy using LIFESAVER techniques
US-3136QL: Against the Indian UN mission using MAGNETIC techniques
US-3136QX: Against the Colombian trade bureau using LIFESAVER techniques
US-3136RJ: Against the South African UN mission using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136RU: Against the Japanese UN mission using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136RX: Against the Greek UN mission using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136SA: Against the Slovakian embassy using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136SI: Against the Brazilian embassy using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136SS: Against the EU mission at the UN using LIFESAVER techniques
US-3136SU: Against the Italian embassy using LIFESAVER techniques
US-3136TQ: Against the Indian embassy using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136TZ: Against Taiwanese TECO using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136UC: Against the French embassy using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136UR: Against the Venezuelan UN mission using LIFESAVER techniques
US-3136UX: Against the Slovakian embassy using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136VC: Against the French UN mission using VAGRANT techniques
US-3136VN: Against the Venezuelan embassy using LIFESAVER techniques
US-3136VQ: Against the Brazilian UN mission using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136XJ: Against the EU embassy using DROPMIRE techniques
US-3136XR: Against the South African UN mission using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136YL: Against the Bulgarian embassy using HIGHLANDS techniques
US-3136YR: Against the South Korean UN mission using VAGRANT techniques
> See also the original list in alphabetical order
US-3137**: Close Access collection under the GENIE program outside the US
US-3138: STARRUBY (trashint)
US-3145: MOONLIGHTPATH (phone (381 opc/dpc pairs) and internet cable intercept)
US-3150: Sub-program of FAIRVIEW (related to decryption of VPN connections)
US-3153: FALCONSTRIKE (phone and internet cable intercept)
US-3167: SARATOGA (non-corporate facility with 1313 opc/dpc pairs))
US-3170: SSO facility for collecting content under the STELLARWIND program
US-3171: DANCINGOASIS (non-corporate intercept facility)
US-3178: DULCIMER (phone and internet cable intercept)
US-3180: SPINNERET (phone (2022 opc/dpc pairs) and internet cable intercept)
US-3182H: Business record FISA collection under FAIRVIEW
US-3182Z: Business record FISA collection under FAIRVIEW
US-3190: FIREBIRD (phone (136 opc/dpc pairs) and internet cable intercept)
US-3206: MONKEYROCKET (foreign access point)
US-3217: SHIFTINGSHADOW (foreign access point)
US-3219: NSA/CIA Special Collection Service site
US-3230: ORANGECRUSH (foreign access point)
US-3237: SMOKYSINK (phone (1816 opc/dpc pairs) and internet cable intercept)
US-3247: YACHTSHOP (internet metadata collection)
US-3251: ORANGEBLOSSOM (international transit switch collection)
US-3261: Telephone intercept facility with 5 opc/dpc pairs
US-3270DA: DUSKPALLET (interception of Kenyan GSM networks)
US-3273: SILVERZEPHYR (international transit switch collection under Transit and FAA Authority with 91 opc/dpc pairs)
US-3293: Telephony intercept facility with 20 opc/dpc pairs
US-3294: Intercept facility targeting traffic from Peru
US-3300: Telephony intercept facility with 39 opc/dpc pairs
US-3310*: (MYSTIC?)
US-3310A: BASECOAT (interception of GSM networks at the Bahamas)
US-3310A1: BASECOAT site
US-3310A2: BASECOAT site
US-3310**: SOMALGET sites
US-3310BG: SCALAWAG (non-corporate intercept facility)
US-3311: Telephony intercept facility with 1 opc/dpc pair
US-3333: OAKSTAR subprogram
US-3411A: EVENINGSEASEL (interception of Mexican wireless)

One of the doors to room 641A in the building of AT&T in San Francisco,
where the NSA had a secret internet tapping device installed,
under the FAIRVIEW program (SIGAD: US-990)
Producer Designator Digraphs
Many collection facilities that are designated by a SIGAD, also have a 2 character Producer Designator Digraph (PDDG) associated with them, which denotes the "collector" or "producer". Known PDDGs are:
05 - (collection from Colombia)
08 - ORANGECRUSH (US-3230)
29 - FAIRVIEW under FAA (US-984X2)
3N - (US-3150?)
50 - (collection from Africa)
55 - (collection from Jordan)
79 - (SCS?)
AH - Menwith Hill Station (USJ-759 & USJ-759A)
AX - BLARNEY (US-984*, including PRISM)
BL - Technical Exploitation Center (USD-1001TEC)
C4 - MUSCULAR (DS-200B & DS-200A) *
CY - (according to SIGINT reporting?)
EE - DSD *
GQ - USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71)
IQ - Joint SIGINT Activity (JSA) in Bad Aibling
IR - (collection from Central African Republic)
IT - (collection from Russia)
J2 - (SCS?)
KY - Menwith Hill Station (USJ-759 & USJ-759A)
MH - Yakima Research Station (USF-787)
RA - (collection from Africa)
RG - (collection from Russia)
RT - (collection from Nigeria)
RU - ? (US-3150)
U6 - CROSSCUT (US-3301)
UU - CSE (DS-600?)
YC - FAIRVIEW under FAA (US-984XR & US-984MR)
ZD - SOMALGET sites (US-3310**)
ZZ - Pine Gap, Australia (RAINFALL)

Excerpt from page 203 of the 1996 book Secret Power by Nicky Hager
explaining the codes used for each of the UKUSA partner agencies
(via Bill Robinson - Click to enlarge)
Intercept facilities in Canada are designated by SIGADs beginning with CA. Initially the third letter showed what sort of staff operated the station, but after the Armed Forces Unification in 1968 the third letter became an F for all military facilities. The C denotes civilian staff.
CAF-90: Gander (1942-present)
CAF-91: Masset (1944-1945 and 1949-present)
CAN-92: Aklavik (1949-1961)
CAF-92: Inuvik (1961-1986)
CAM-93: Ladner (1949-1971)
CAN-94: Chimo, later Frobisher Bay (1953-1967)
CAA-95: Whitehorse (1948-1968)
CAN-96: Coverdale (1942-1971)
CAN-97: Gloucester (1943-1972)
CAF-98: Leitrim (1942-present)
CAC-98CG: Sub-facility of Leitrim (maybe CANDLEGLOW?)
CAN-99: Churchill (1948-1968)
CAF-99: Probably the fleet Cryptologic Direct Support Elements (CDSE)
CAF-100A: SIGINT unit aboard HMCS Athabaskan (1980s)
CAC-2024: ?
United Kingdom
Intercept facilities in the United Kingdom are designated by SIGADs beginning with UK. The third letter can be M for Army, N for Navy, A for Air Force, J for Joint services or C for Civilian staff:
Civilian facilities
UKC-102: Intercept station in Singapore
UKC-105: ZAMENSIS (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-108: REMEDY (British Telecom, also PRESTON collection)
UKC-108A: GEORGELET (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-108E: PRESTON4 (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-112: GERONTIC (Cable & Wireless, also PRESTON collection)
UKC-112A: NIGH (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-112B: NORWALK (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-112C: PECTASE (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-112D: ? (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-122: ? (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-123A: LABORO (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-125: ?
UKC-126: LARKSPUR (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-201: Intercept station at Little Sai Wan, Hong Kong
UKC-206D: ?
UKC-215: British facility that contributes second most to NSA, location unknown
UKC-302A: British facility that contributes most to NSA, location unknown
UKC-309: "Exchange" facility in Germany
UKC-311: NTAC (National Technical Assistance Centre, also PRESTON collection)
UKC-311A: CATSUP (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-311B: CONDONE (also PRESTON collection)
UKC-1000: Telex interception site at 8 Palmer Street, London
UKC-1164: Mobile phone data acquired by police forces (PHANTOM PARROT)
Army facilities
UKM-251: British Army facility in Birgelen, Germany
UKM-251H: (former?) intercept site at Gross Gusborn, Germany
UKM-251M: ?
UKM_251Y: (former?) intercept site near Jever, Germany
UKM-253: (former?) intercept site near Hildesheim, Germany
UKM-253: British Army SIGINT unit in Cyprus
UKM-253A: (former?) facility near Langleben, Germany
UKM-253B: (former?) facility near Wesendorf, Germany
UKM-257: Interception station at Ayios Nikolaos, Cyprus
Navy facilities
UKN-125: Royal Navy station at Scarborough near Scotland
Air Force facilities
UKA-277: Former RAF intercept site at the Teufelsberg, West-Berlin (closed in 1992)
UKA-277B: Former RAF intercept unit at the Teufelsberg, West-Berlin
UKA-277F: Intercept site at the former Royal Air Force Station Gatow, Berlin
UKA-289: (former?) facility near Wesendorf, Germany
Joint services facilities
UKF-100: Radio Intercept Station at Knockholt, Kent (1941-?)
UKJ-260D: ?
The GCHQ intercept station Ayios Nikolaos (SIGAD: UKM-257) in Cyprus
Intercept facilities in Australia are designated by SIGADs beginning with AU. Presently, only the SIGADS of two civilian operated sites are known:
AUC-393: ?
AUC-395: ?

The intercept station near Geraldton (SIGAD: ?) in Australia
(source: Echelon Mobile User Objective System)
New Zealand
Intercept facilities in New Zealand are designated by SIGADs beginning with NZ. As all sites are operated by civilians, the third letter is a C:
NZC-331: Former Nr.1 listening station (1949-1982)
NZC-332: Radio intercept station at Tangimoana (1982-present)
NZC-333: Satellite intercept station at Waihopai (1989-present)
NZC-334: GCSB mobile station
NZC-335: GCSB mobile station

The listening station at Waihopai (SIGAD: NZC-333) in New Zealand
after activists deflated one of the kevlar radomes in April 2008
(Source: GCSB presentation - Click to enlarge)
- Wikipedia article about the SIGINT Activity Designator
- List of SIGADs for facilities in Germany (pdf)
- Nicky Hager, Secret Power, New Zealand’s role in the international spy network (pdf), 1996, p. 149
- Maybe You Had to Be There, in: Cryptologic Quarterly (pdf), p. 21, 23 and 36
- Surveillance satellites: Jonathan's Space Report No. 509
- Canadian Station Designators
Missing one USF-63 Rosman, NC. http://www.atomicexpress.net/2012/06/04/the-rosman-research-station-aka-nsa-field-station-f63/
Thank you, it's added to the list!
Thanks for this post. One possible correction: as I wrote here (http://luxexumbra.blogspot.ca/2013/10/introduction-to-sigads.html), "the suggestion that the AFP numbers associated with some U.S. military space programs are the SIGADs for those systems is, I believe, not correct. As Dwayne A. Day explains here (http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1750/1), AFP numbers were used for a wide variety of space programs, including SIGINT satellites, but also including communications satellites, meteorological satellites, R&D satellites, IR/early warning satellites, and photo reconnaissance satellites. Furthermore, unlike SIGADs, AFP numbers were used for public references to those various programs."
Thank you for the correction! I didn't know the article explaining the satellite designations, but it clearly makes sense, as the AFP-numbers also didn't fit the SIGAD-scheme. I will correct the article.
Impressive job ! Here are some you can add to your list :
USN-18: Dupont, SC (as of 1945)
USN-18: Panama (as of 1976)
USA-36: unknown (existed as of 1967)
USM-76: Panama (with a detachment on Beacon Hill)
(numbers found in Tom Johnson's American Cryptology during the Cold War, volumes )
USA-50: 6950th Security Group at Chicksands, UK
USD-1025: "GCHQ Cheltenham" ("USD" means probably the SUSLO - Senior US Liaison Officer)
From Duncan Campbell, "The Eavesdroppers", Timeout, 1976
USM-818: related to CTF-76 ? see http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/gulf_of_tonkin/sigint_reports/rel1_sigint_report_list_miguel.pdf
Many thanks for the additions, I will add them to the listing!
Again another one :
USM-2: ASA post at Two Rock Ranch in Petaluma, California (1942-1971).
(also from American Cryptology during the Cold War. I hope we'll get soon more declassified versions of volumes I and IV.)
Thanks again - this is clearly the correct facility, instead of the US embassy in Moscow, as supposed by another source.
Some more SIGAD descriptions:
"International Transit Switch Collection*: International Transit switches, FAIRVIEW (US-990), STORMBREW (US-983), ORANGEBLOSSOM (US-3251), and SILVERZEPHYR (US-3273), are Special Source Operations (SSO) programs authorized to collect cable transit traffic passing through U.S. gateways with both ends of the communication being foreign."
Source: https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/assets/sid_oversight_and_compliance.pdf
More on SILVERZEPHYR here:
I believe we can identify seven cable intercept sub-SIGADS for US-983: STORMBREW, which we know to be under Transit Authority (corporate partners for transit switch access with 27 opc/dpc pairs.
Another Snowden document identified seven sites associated with STORMBREW all code named after ski resorts: BRECKENRIDGE in Hillsboro,OR; COPPER MOUNTAIN in New York City; KILLINGTON in Lynn, MA; MAVERICK in Miami;
SUNVALLEY in Morro Bay, CA;
TAHOE at Point Arena, CA; and WHISTLER in San Antonio.
From various cable almanacs and carrier websites I believe BRECKENRIDGE is the Verizon TPE Hillsboro Cable Landing Station; COPPER MOUNTAIN is at the Verizon hub on Hudson St.; KILLINGTON is the Hibernia Networks cable landing in Lynn; MAVERICK is the Verizon-Terremark NAP of the Americas; SUNVALLEY is the major Pacific cable landings for AT&T, NTT & KDDI; TAHOE is the AT&T Manchester Cable station; and WHISTLER is likely the AT&T POP switch at 815 Avenue B.
Thank you - that's an interesting addition!
Found again a SIGAD in NSA's historical documents :
USF-61 in the history of the Suez crisis : https://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/cryptologic_histories/Suez_Crisis.pdf (p. 41)
There was a CIA listening station on Cyprus that was taken over by the NSA in 1956, and it was the only US station in the area at the time, so I suppose USF-61 is this Cyprus station.
And again some others as of 1969:
USA-30 : Wakkanai, Japan (according to Seymour Hersh's book "The Target is Destroyed", the USAF listening post at Wakkanai was turned to the Japanese in 1975. In 1982, a clandestine survey USAF listening post was created at Wakkanai along or inside the Japanese one, but probably with a new SIGAD).
USA-58 : Hakata
USN-39P : unknown
Thanks again for these additions! They have been added to the listing.
There is a list of UKUSA SIGINT facilities in "The Ties That Bind" by Richelson & Ball, 1990 edition.
Going through quickly :
USM-49 : Ankara, Turkey
USN-11 : Finnegayan, Guam
USN-12 : Sidi Yahia, near Rabat, Morocco. Closed in October 1978.
USN-14 : Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii
USN-19 : Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico
USN-20 : Winter Harbor, Maine
USN-21 : Taipei, Taiwan
USN-25 : Futenma, Okinawa
USN-26 : Skaggs Island, California
USN-40 : Bremerhaven, West Germany
USF-61 : Nicosia, Cyprus
Thanks again! That filled in some 'gaps' in de list.
USA-523 was in operation from 1972 to 1975 at Nakhon Phanom (NKP) Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand.
Usn-419 formerly nsga Clark afb Philippines
Usn-39 nsga misawa Japan
I've forgotten more than I remember.
Added - thanks again!
USN-18 and USM-76 were co-located at Galeta Island Panama.
USN-848 is Diego Garcia
USN-838 formerly NSGA Homestead FL.
USN-837 formerly NSGA Northwest Va
USN-12 formerly NSGA Key West FL after Morrocco
USN-842 formerly NSGA Kami Seya Japan
USN-844 formerly Sugar Grove WV
USN-466(A-Z) and USN-467(A-Z) are temporary. Were assigned to surface and subsurface fleet units when temporary cryptologic element were onboard.
These are what i can remember off the top of my head for now. I did this stuff for 22 yrs.
Thank you very much! I have updated the list.
Some more off the top of my head:
USN-24 formerly Rota Spain
USN-835 formerly Guantanamo Bay Cuba
USN-417 formerly Imperial Beach, Ca
USN-414 Kaneohe Bay Hawaii (after Vietnam)
USA-564 formerly Howard AFB Panama
USN-27 former Barbers Pt Pearl Harbor Hi (After Philippines)
USN-27J Air crew Det former Barbers Pt Pearl Harbor HI (after Vietnam)
Thanks again!
Here's an extensive list of mostly historical PDDGS in Germany: https://search.edwardsnowden.com/docs/SigadListing2014-06-18nsadocs
UKC-108 British Telecom (REMEDY)
UKC-112D PRESTON component
UKC-122 PRESTON component
UKC-311 National Technical Assistance Centre (NTAC)
(All from https://theintercept.com/document/2016/06/07/preston-study/)
Thank you, the list has been updated!
Hello, a few more SIGADs I came across :
USN-15 (location unknown, existed in 1949)
USN-17 (location unknown, existed in 1949)
USN-40 : Tsingtao, China (1946-1949)
Source : http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01611190701313957
USN-16 : Naval Facility (NAVFAC) Nicosia, at Yerolakkos, Cyprus (former USF-61, redesignated in June 1957)
Source : http://www.emgr.unic.ac.cy/wp-content/uploads/EMGR-1.pdf
USN-18 : ELINT site somewhere in the Mediterranean area, 1950s
Source : https://www.nsa.gov/news-features/declassified-documents/cryptologic-spectrum/assets/files/hist_applesauce.pdf
I'm trying to check whether USN-16 was still the same station in 1973-74 because it did some interesting work then. No joy so far.
thanks again! added them to the list.
USN-15: Imperial Beach, California as of 1952
USN-17: Refice, Brazil (CU-33) as of 1952
USN-16: DF station at Bainbridge Island (Port Blakely), Washington as of 1952
USN-18: U.S. Naval Communications Station Charleston, South Carolina (as of 1955)
The paste attached below has more SIGADS from the Friedman papers that I was able to gather: http://pastebin.com/fX6apX8Y
Thank you very much for the huge list! For now, I added them as a link, to include them in the listing in the future.
The NSA has published a new release of American Cryptology During the Cold War 1945-1989, Book I : https://www.nsa.gov/news-features/declassified-documents/cryptologic-histories/assets/files/cold_war_i.pdf
Some new SIGAD revealed :
USM-3 Okinawa, Japan, existing as of 1949
USM-30 Kyoto, Japan, existing as of 1949
USM-44 Kyoto, Japan, closed in the late 1950s
USM-701 Important USAF Europe theater reporting unit, Frankfurt, Germany, existing as of 1956
USN-15 Edzell, Scotland, openned in 1963
USA-54 Ashiya, Japan, closed in the late 1950s
USA-60 Near Peshawar, Pakistan, openned in 1958
USA-752 Important USAF processing unit on the Pacific theater, moved to Kadena AB, Japan, in 1959
I just spotted a mistake I made in my previous post. USM-701 was an US Army, not USAF, unit, as the "M" should show.
USM-701 Important US Army reporting unit for the Europe theater, Frankfurt, Germany, existing as of 1956
Found SIGADs for the US Navy Technical Research Ships in the NSA history of the TRS program. These SIGADs are for the vessels themselves as opposed to specific SIGINT-gathering missions in the USN-467x series:
USN-850: USS Oxford (AGTR-1) (04 Jan 1962-03 Nov 1969)
USN-851: USNS Valdez (T-AG-169) (15 Nov 1961-18 Sep 1969)
USN-852: USS Georgetown (AGTR-2) (19 April 1964-07 Mar 1969)
USN-853: USS Jamestown (AGTR-3) (09 April 1964-18 Oct 1969)
USN-854: USS Belmont (AGTR-4) (02 Dec 1964-30 Oct 1969)
USN-855: USS Liberty (AGTR-5) (05 Feb 1965-08 June 1967; sunk 1968-06-08)
USN-856: USNS Muller (T-AG-171) (23 April 1963-28 Oct 1969, solely off coast of Havana, Cuba)
Also in the '800' series for the Navy are these shore stations:
USN-848: Diego Garcia, BIOT, NAVSECGRUDEPT, CLASSIC WIZARD (construction began 24 March 1971); NAVCOMMSTA Diego Garcia (20 March 1973; NCTS Oct. 1991; disest. 30 Sept. 2005)
USN-864: San Antonio, TX (1965-73)
USM-15: Cerkezhuyuk, Turkey (Manzarali Station), 15th USASA Field Station (January 1957-30 June 1968)
Before locating to Bad Aibling in 1956:
USM-85: Wels, Austria, Special Intelligence Team A (as of 1950)
USM-85A: DF Det. of the 116th Signal Service Co., Passau, Germany (as of 1950)
Complicated US Air Force SIGAD in Turkey (based on Larry Tart's 5-vol. work on the USAFSS):
USA-56: Sinop, Turkey, 6934th Radio Squadron Mobile ( - )
USA-56C: Ankara, TUSLOG Detachment 3, 6933rd RGM, USAFSS, (1956); Karamursel (1957-1975)
USA-56C1: Trabzon, TUSLOG Det 3-1, 6939th RSM then 6939th Security Squadron (1956-1972)
USA-56C2: Samsun, Turkey, TUSLOG Det 3-2, 6932nd Radio Squadron Mobile became 6932nd Security Squadron and then became 6932nd Security Group (1964/65)
USA-56C3: Sile, Turkey, TUSLOG Det 3-3, RSM base
USA-56D: Sinop, Turkey, TUSLOG Detachment 4
USA-56x: TUSLOG Det 63, 2003rd Communications Squadron (AFCS), Karamursel, Turkey
USA-56x1: TUSLOG Det 63-1, 2003rd Communications Squadron (AFCS), Trabzon
USA-56x2: TUSLOG Det 63-2, USAF Comm unit reporting to Karamursel
USA-56x: TUSLOG Detachment 94, Karamursel AS, Izmir, Turkey, 6933rd RSM [AN/FLR-9 CDAA] (1966 - 1 October 1977)
USA-56K: ? (existed as of 1955)
USA-56L: ? (existed as of 1955)
USA-56?: TUSLOG Det 204, 6934th Security Sqdn, Sinop, Turkey (1970-1977)
USM-56: Sinop, Turkey (Diogenes Station), 5th USASA Field Station (15 September 1961-31 March 1993)
From the NSA histories,some naval surface ship crypto missions in the 467 SIGAD:
USN-467N: USS Maddox OPLAN-34A DESOTO Patrol 18 in the Gulf of Tonkin (2-4 August 1964)
USN-467P: USS Morton ((DD-948), OP34A DESOTO patrol 19 (11 September 1964- 6 February 1965)
USN-467R-1: USS Edwards, DESOTO Patrol 20 (01 Oct-15 Oct 1964)
USN-467R-2: USS Morton, DESOTO Patrol 21 (15 Oct-l4 Nov 1964)
USN-467R-3: USS Edwards, DESOTO Patrol 23 (14 Nov- 27 Dec 1964)
USN-467S: USS Edwards, DESOTO Patrol 22 (08 Nov-14 Nov 1964)
USN-467T: USS Bristol County (LST-1198)
USN-467Y: USS Craig (25 Feb-12 Mar 1964)
USA-68: Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan, 313th Air Division, USAFSS 6988th Sec. Sqn; also NSA COMINT Communications Relay Center and PACOM ELINT Center (1953-1974)
Thank you very much for all these additions!
Location for a UK SIGAD - UKM251M was the sub-station of UKM251 intercept site operating out of Teufelsberg, Berlin (3 Squadron, 13 Signal Regiment(Radio)). As an aside, all the Germany intercept site are, indeed, "former" sites.
Rereading my comment, I realize it is confusing... UKM251M was Teufelsberg, sub-station of UKM251 (Birgelen). Additionally, UKM251H closed in 1991, having opened in 1973. Before being handed over to the British, this site was USM-44L, 1970-73, unsure of the ASA unit. UKM251M closed in 1992, as did the Langeleben (note spelling) facility, and UKM251 ceased operations in 1994. I also notice that UKM151 is missing. This was 224 Signal Squadron, a training unit in Woodhouse Eaves, Leicesershire, England, 1959-1980. In 1980 it became Communications and Security Group (UK) (CSG(UK)) until 1990 - I don't know if it kept the same SIGID at that time.
Hi Anonymous; USM-44L: Groß Gusborn, Germany, site of 2nd former NSA and US Army ASA Border Site Command Torii tower (1965-June 1974), turned over to UK 13th Sig Rgt. My understanding is USM-44K: Schöningen / Wobeck, Germany, Det K, 319th ASA Bn, ASA Border Site Command (1965-19 Nov.1992),was also site of 1st NSA-ASA Torii tower(1969-1976)
I didn't notice USAF San Vito AS, Italy, SIGINT facility with Navy and Army. I believe it closed back in the 90's...
My records show:
USA-74B: San Vito Dei Normanni, Salento Peninsula, Brindisi, Apulia, Italy, San Vito Dei Normanni Air Station, 6917th USAFSS (closed Aug. 1, 1991)
USM-6??: San Vito dei Normanni, Salento Peninsula, Brindisi, Apulia, Italy, San Vito dei Normanni Air Station, 6917th Security Group, USAFSS (1960-06 Jan. 1993) [AN/FLR-9 1962-Oct. 1994]
USN-6??: San Vito dei Normanni, Salento Peninsula, Brindisi, Apulia, Italy, San Vito Dei Normanni AS, NSGA San Vito at San Vito dei Normanni Air Station (23 Sept. 1964-06 Jan. 1993)
US-967J: SCS Kuwait City [from SID Today, 05/30/2006]
US-969X169A: Temporary SCS site in Hyderabad, India established for Presidential visit to India, 27 February-06 March 2006
Another from Ball & Tanter, US signals intelligence (SIGINT) activities in Japan 1945 –2015: A Visual Guide
USM-48: Hakata, Kyushu, Japan, 14th ASA Field Station, USASA 26th Security Service Co (1948-1972)
@ Lawrence: thanks again!
Two more :
US-968U: SCS site in Beijing
US-966Q: SCS site in or close to Venezuela
USA-36, this was Iraklion Air Station, Crete, Greece, It was closed in 1993
Some additional details & SIGAD posts in Bangkok from the 1950s on.
First, US Army (USM 7:
o USM-7: Mekhala Station, Bangkok, Thailand, HQ 5th RRU [Net Control for SEA DF Net] (Late 1959-September 1966) [5th RRU became 83rd RRSOU]
USM-7A: Bang Khen, near Don Muang Airport, Bangkok, Thailand, Detachment A - DF (1959 to 196?)
USM-7B: Ubon, Royal Thai AB, Detachment B – DF (March 1962 to 1976)
USM-7C: Chiang Mai, Thailand, Detachment C – DF, Lamphun site (July 1962 to 1976)
USM-7D: Ramasun Station, Udorn, Detachment D – DF (14 April 1965-25 Sept. 1966)
USM-7E: Non Soong, Thailand, Det D, 5th RRU (April 1965-01 Aug 1970)
USM-7F: Bangkok, United States Army Signal Research Unit 11 (1 August 1962-1 September 1969)
o USM-7: Mekhala Station, Seri Court, Bangkok, Thailand, HQ, 83rd RRSOU [Radio Research Special Operations Unit] (September 1966-October 1970) [83rd RRSOU became 7th RRFS]
USM-7A: Min Buri,, near Don Muang Airport, Bangkok, Thailand, Detachment A - DF (1965 to 197?; moved from Bang Khen site)
USM-7B: Ubon, Royal Thai AB, Detachment B - DF (1962 to 1976)
USM-7C: Chiang Mai, Thailand, Detachment C – DF, Lamphun site (July 1962-1976)
USM-7D: Udorn, Detachment D - DF (14 April 1965-25 Sept. 1966)
USM-7E: Non Soong, Thailand, Det D, 5th RRU (April 1965-01 Aug 1970)
USM-7F: Bangkok, United States Army Signal Research Unit 11 (1 August 1962-1 September 1969)
USM-7J: Ubon, Royal Thai AB, Detachment J - Intercept (Sept. 1968-May/June 1974)
o USM-7: Ramasun Station, Ban Nong Soong, Udorn, Udon Thani Province, Thailand, 7th RRFS (September 25, 1966-June 20, 1976) [previously Det. D, 83rd RRSOU]
USM-7A: Min Buri, , near Don Muang Airport, Bangkok, Detachment A –- DF (1965-197?)
USM-7B: Chiang Mai, Thailand, Detachment B –– DF, Lamphun site (July 1962-1976)
USM-7C:Ubon, Royal Thai AB, Detachment C – DF (1962 to 1976)
USM-7D: Phanom Sarakham, Thailand, Detachment D –– DF (1970(?)- 1976)
USM-7J: Camp Ramasun, Ubon, Royal Thai AB, Detachment J – Intercept, CDAA AN/FLR-9 (Sep 1968-May/June 1974)
USM-7K: Udorn, 7th AVN Detachment (1968-June 1974)
USM-7L: U-Tapao, Thailand, 7th AVN Detachment (June 1974 - May 1975)
USM-7M: Ramasun Station, Ban Nong Soong, Udorn, Thailand, NSG Det, at 7th RRFS (Jan 1971-05 May 1976)
And US Air Force (USA):
USA-7: Chiang Mai, Thailand, DF Detachment C, 327th CRC/29th RSM, USAFSS (2 October 1954-1976)
USA-7D: Non Soong, Thailand, Det 4, 6922nd USAFSS Security Wing (April 1965-01 Aug 1970)
USA-58, 6918th Security Squadron, Hakata Administrative Annex, Japan
USA-57, 6922nd Security Group, Clark Air Force Base, Philippines
USM-684. 408th ASA Bde Spt Det, Bldg 220, Ft Clayton Canal Zone (1971-1976) After closure of USASASC at Chiva Chiva.
In his list LWS listed United States Army Signal Research Unit 11. FYI it wasn't a SIGINT site. It was ACOUSTINT. Not in Bangkok, it was at the Don Muang RTAFB. That was the control point for several sensors around the nearby countryside.
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